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Clariant develops new colors for PEEK
http://cn.newmaker.com 5/7/2009 3:21:00 PM  佳工机电网
聚乙烯(PE), 聚苯乙稀PS, 聚酰亚胺PI, 聚酰胺PA, PA66塑料(尼龙), ...
Clariant Masterbatches has developed a range of color masterbatches that are formulated specifically for use with PEEK (polyetheretherketone) materials.

In addition, Clariant Masterbatches is also producing specialty compounded pre-colored PEEK materials, which are available in small and large quantities. These fully compounded grades can also incorporate fiber reinforcements, conductive or antistatic fillers, as well as other performance-enhancing additives. ''PEEK high-performance polymers offer high mechanical strength and excellent stress crack resistance, and they can withstand high-temperature conditions and chemical exposure. They are also dimensionally stable and electrically resistant,'' says Robert Wick, Clariant Masterbatches' Product Manager for Specialty Compounding. Clariant's RENOL® color masterbatch series includes more than a dozen standard colors designed specifically for use in PEEK polymers. Standard-color masterbatches can be delivered in 5 to 7 business days, and custom colors are also available. All meet the stringent requirements of high-performance applications in markets like aerospace, automotive, electrical devices, military and even medical.

更多有关PEEK(聚醚醚酮)的新闻: more
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