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LENOX® Introduces the Plastic Tubing Cutter 4/22/2009 8:59:00 AM
刀柄, 刀具管理系统, 成型刀具, 复合刀具, 非标刀具, ...
EAST LONGMEADOW, Mass. April 2009 — LENOX®, a leading manufacturer of premium power tool accessories, hand tools, torches, solder and band saw blades, announces the introduction of the LENOX Plastic Tubing Cutter. The rugged, ergonomic design delivers straight, clean cuts with less effort.

The patent-pending blade on the LENOX Plastic Tubing Cutter is made with serrated stainless steel that requires 25% less cutting force than other cutters on the market. The comfortable grip of the rubberized handles allow for a secure grip in both wet and dry conditions. To go the extra mile, LENOX has designed the cutter with a conveniently located locking latch that allows for true one-handed operation of the spring-loaded cutter; freeing the other hand to stabilize the tube.

“The LENOX Plastic Tubing Cutter stays sharp longer to decrease the chance of the crushing that can occur with a dull blade,” stated Emily Furnal, senior product manger, LENOX. “Straight, flush cuts are extremely important when cutting plastic tubing. The straighter the cut, the more contact the tube will have to the fitting which significantly reduces the chances of leaks.”

The new LENOX Plastic Tubing Cutter is designed for optimal use on up to 1” soft plastic tubing like PEX, PE and PB, and flexible hose. LENOX will introduce a full line of cutters in December 2008. The full line will range from 1” to 2-3/8” O.D. and cut all materials from CPVC and PVC to PEX and poly pipe. Each features the patent-pending serrated blade and comfortable grips. LENOX Plastic Tubing Cutters are sold through electrical, plumbing, HVAC and industrial distributors nationwide. To learn more, or to find your nearest distributor, call 1-800-628-8810

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Lenox 雷诺克斯公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.lenoxtools.com 电话:65--800-1100-120
地址: 中国·省份·Singapore 800-1100-120
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