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Wilmington Machinery Continues Improvements In Structural Foam Systems
http://cn.newmaker.com 4/15/2009 9:04:00 AM  佳工机电网
XPS挤塑板设备, EPE发泡生产线, eps发泡机, 保温板生产线, 发泡设备, ...
The Wilmington Machinery LUMINA line has been significantly improved with a simplified nozzle / manifolding system, streamlined independent sequence nozzle control, larger platens and electric extruder drives.

NPE 2009 - Booth # S36054

Wilmington Machinery is a recognized leader in the manufacture of structural foam injection molding machinery for the production of structural plastic parts up to 300 lbs. and 10 ft. in length. Wilmington Machinery's unique Versafil sequential injection system allows precise molding of multiple yet completely different parts at the same time and true independent nozzle control.

Important product line attributes for the LUMINA include:

- Two-stage extrusion/injection
- Sequential injection
- Multi-nozzle injection with modular manifolds
- Independent nozzle control

Wilmington Machinery will evaluate a processor's needs and recommend an appropriate system from their extensive Lumina series. Should application needs fall outside its standard product offering, Wilmington Machinery provides years of proven expertise in customizing processing equipment and systems to meet all technical requirements for optimum economic results.

LUMINA systems are currently available for immediate shipping. Visit Booth S36054 to ask for details

2009 NPE Wilmington Machinery Booth: # S36054

To set up an appointment at the show contact:

Russ La Belle
Wilmington Machinery
4628 Northchase Parkway NE
Wilmington, NC 28405
Email: russ@wilmingtonmachinery.com

Visit the Wilmington Machinery website for additional information: www.wilmingtonmachinery.com

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·塑料机械/橡胶机械展区 > 泡沫机械展厅 > 泡沫机械新闻

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