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IDES launches new version of Prospector plastics search engine
http://cn.newmaker.com 4/8/2009 8:32:00 AM  佳工机电网
聚乙烯(PE), 聚苯乙稀PS, 聚酰亚胺PI, 聚酰胺PA, PA66塑料(尼龙), ...
LARAMIE, Wyo. - IDES Inc., the leading search engine provider for the plastics industry, has launched an updated version of the Prospector plastics search engine to help design and process engineers more efficiently research materials, analyze resins for specific design applications, and buy plastic from reputable suppliers.

Design engineers can now export property data from datasheets or directly from search results tables into a spreadsheet for analysis. Like the previous version, the new Prospector includes access to technical plastic material datasheets, and now gives users more information about each grade with links to processing guides, regulatory documents, material safety datasheets and chemical resistance data. From each material datasheet, both manufacturer and distributor contact information is presented, along with plastics for sale through The Plastics Marketplace™, an online listing of more than 25 million pounds of resin.

A new widget in Prospector called Quick Connect includes links to more information about each polymer grade such as where to buy, alternative resins, automotive approved plastics, curve data, literature and technical documents, and processing information.

''While this update to Prospector includes several new enhancements, we continually improve the search engine through suggestions from our customers,'' said Mike Kmetz, president of IDES. ''We're already working on several more improvements that will be released during the next several months.''

On the web: www.ides.com/prospector

About IDES Inc.

IDES is a plastic materials information management company. The Plastics Web® from IDES is a website with a vertical search engine connecting tens of thousands of companies around the globe with plastics content and technical datasheets from 700 global resin manufacturers. The company provides custom information management services for nearly all resin distributors and a number of resin manufacturers. IDES is headquartered in Laramie, Wyoming, with offices in Europe. For more information, visit www.ides.com.

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