Missler Software will shortly launch TopSolid'Cam 2009. One of TopSolid'Cam's greatest forces is its capacity to manage all machining processes thereby making it one of the only CAM solutions on the market which is able to machine all parts by offering the most suitable machining process. TopSolid'Cam is capable of piloting turning, 2 axes milling, 3 axis milling, 4 & 5 axis continued milling, 4 & 5 axis continued turning, synchronization and complex simulation.
TopSolid'Cam 2009 deals with such issues as simplifying machine programming, reducing cycle times, improving quality and reducing manufacturing costs (notably by prolonging the life span of tools).
Here are some of the major improvements of TopSolid'Cam 2009:
Tolerance management of imported parts - Parts designed using TopSolid'Design or another CAD software are very often modelised to the nominal dimensions. Thanks to its advanced modelor, TopSolid'Design enables a user to transform nominal dimensions to average dimensions. However, what happens when a CAD software other than TopSolid'Design has been used? TopSolid 2009 has taken this into account and allows model dimensions to be easily changed so that the part can be easily machined without having to re-design the complete geometry.
Automatic 4 axis roughing cycles - The creation of a new function which enables automatic 4 axis roughing operations on parts such as extrusion screws, impellers, etc. This new function manages such roughing operations while managing collisions, underdrafts, the cutting conditions, etc. In fact the ease of 3 axis roughing is now possible in 4 axis.
Drilling automation of cooling circuits for mold makers - This function is particularly useful for mold makers and permits the automatic detection of intersecting cooling circuits. This in turn manages speed modifications of the tool when it enters a zone already drilled for a previous intersecting cooling circuit. This greatly eliminates the risk of breaking the mold plate in an automated fashion.
Paraxial roughing on a milling machine - Traditionally such roughing operations are carried out on a turning machine where the shallow pass levels implied the operation was carried out in several passes. Thanks to TopSolid'Cam 2009 such operations can be carried out on a milling machine which means that all material is removed in just 1 operation by using a particular helicoidal cycle. This leads to importants time gains.
5 axis machining of composite materials - TopSolid'Cam 2009 now enables tools to make sinusoidal movements which means that tool wear is equal throughout the entire length of the tool. This new function is very important in the cutting of carbon fibre parts, which are notably used in the aerospace industry. Carbon fibre is highly abrasive material and is machined by milling machines equipped with diamond-tipped or very hard metal tools which are very expensive. When the length of the tool is longer than the depth of the material to be machined (which is the case in aerospace parts) it is common sense to try to use the rest of the tool. The new sinusoidal movements offered by TopSolid'Cam 2009 prolong thus the lifespan of these tools and thereby generate cost savings.
Customized approach and retract movements - This new function allows operators to customize approach and retract contouring movements. The user is not therefore obliged to choose from predefined options. He can design and parameter, thanks to TopSolid'Design, the form he wishes for his approach and retract movements and re-use these. Missler Software also added specific approach and retract movements for the wood industry where automation is essential.