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New renewably-sourced polymer debuts in radiator end tank program
http://cn.newmaker.com 3/17/2009 9:41:00 AM  佳工机电网
New renewably-sourced polymer debuts in radiator end tank programThe plant-derived DuPont™ Zytel® 610 nylon resin that debuts on DENSO Corporation's new automotive radiator end tank illustrates the benefits of close collaboration throughout the value chain and marks the first use of DuPont renewably sourced plastic in mechanical components exposed to the hot, chemically aggressive underhood environment.

''The strategy of collaborating throughout the value chain is critical when cost effectively bringing high-value solutions to the market,'' said Chris Murphy, global accounts director - DuPont Engineering Polymers. ''This development truly illustrates a great way to get from today to tomorrow.''

In this case, DENSO engineering and DuPont R&D embarked on development of a new material for use in a higher performance radiator end tank that meets auto manufacturers' needs for sustainable solutions. The new material, developed jointly by DENSO and DuPont in a proprietary process, contains 40 percent renewable content by weight derived from the castor bean plant, and meets requirements for exceptional heat resistance, durability and road salt resistance - attributes DENSO says were difficult to deliver with many resins containing a high percentage of plant-derived ingredients.

Production of the part for the global vehicle market begins this spring and DENSO has announced intentions to use the material in a wide range of products to reduce use of limited oil resources and reduce CO2 emissions in its processes to help prevent global warming.

''Today's business climate - with demands for innovation in the face of intense cost pressures - is driving the engineering community to rethink the design and manufacture of automotive components and systems,'' said Patrick Ferronato, global director, development and marketing -- DuPont Automotive Performance Materials. ''It's challenging us all to use design and engineering strengths to the fullest and to drive 'engineering strategy' beyond procurement price - at the end of the day, we must be cost-neutral at best, and collaboration for innovation is our best strategy to deliver economically and environmentally sustainable solutions.''

Shared goals, objectives and clear timelines were essential elements in this program, according to Masatoshi Ikeda, global account manager of Denso Group, DuPont Engineering Polymers. ''DENSO and DuPont share a commitment to delivering innovation that not only improves our environmental footprint, but also delivers benefits through improved performance, cost control and sustainability.''

DuPont has introduced a number of renewably sourced products that are made, in whole or in part, from renewable agricultural feedstocks such as corn, soybeans, castor beans, sugar cane and wheat, rather than petroleum to help industry reduce dependence on depleteable petroleum-based products. Among the nine high-performance product families are:

DuPont™ Sorona® polymer, DuPont™ Sorona® EP thermoplastic polymer, DuPont™ Hytrel® RS thermoplastic elastomer and DuPont™ Zytel® long chain polyamides.

DuPont Automotive offers more than 100 products to the global automotive industry and through its global application development network is committed to delivering cost effective solutions to help reduce vehicle weight for better fuel economy and CO2 emission reductions, to integrate part functionality to simplify assembly and eliminate cost; and help bring invention to market fast, better and more cost-effectively.

聚乙烯(PE), 聚苯乙稀PS, 聚酰亚胺PI, 聚酰胺PA, PA66塑料(尼龙), ...

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