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Zumbach Electronic will Exhibite an extensive range of measurement solutions at NPE 2009
http://cn.newmaker.com 3/13/2009 8:46:00 AM  佳工机电网
Zumbach Electronic will Exhibite an extensive range of measurement solutions at NPE 2009Exhibiting: An extensive range of measurement solutions and the latest technological advancements will be demonstrated: ODAC® laser diameter scanners; WALLMASTER®
ultrasonic wall thickness measurement and control system; PROFILEMASTER® non-contact laser/camera profile measurement systems; KW Flaw Detection Systems; SIMAC Vision-Based Surface Inspection Systems; GagePro Off-Line Dimensional Measurement Systems and more.

The Zumbach product line provides tremendous opportunity for plastic extrusion manufacturers to improve product quality, reduce scrap and material waste, and save raw overall & raw material usage. The application range includes precision medical tubing; consumer, industrial, automotive and irrigation hose and tubing; small diameter to large diameter pipe and profiles of all shapes and sizes. The equipment has been proven in thousands of applications for over 50 years; Manufacturing a broad range of measurement, control, and data acquisition systems for extruded tube, pipe and profile.

Personnel: Sven Naegeli, Keith Donahue, Kevin Weaver, Orlando Martinez, Tim Moore,
Carolyn Edwards

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