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Haitian plans to assemble presses in India
http://cn.newmaker.com 3/2/2009 8:30:00 PM  佳工机电网
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Press maker Ningbo Haitian Group Ltd., China's largest press maker, plans to start assembling injection molding machines in India with its local partner, Electronica Machine Tools Ltd. They are ready to start assembling Haitian's Saturn model of presses up to 300 tons at Electronica's facility in Pune, India.

''Everything is finished,'' said Helmar Franz, Haitian executive vice president. ''We are ready now. The technical things have been solved and training has been done.''

Foreign press makers have succeeded in capturing more of India's growing market ''because of their overall versatility with the technology and the price, the price to performance ratio,'' said Milind Agnihotry, associate vice president of molding solutions for Pune-based Electronica.

Franz said that while Indian engineering is very good, the Indian press industry is stuck competing with lower-cost, high-volume Chinese press makers, and higher technology machines from developed markets.

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