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Haitian Europe at 2009 Plast Milan 2/11/2009 9:50:00 AM
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The Chinese market leader will be exhibiting at Plast 2009 in Milan (March 24-28) in the context of its two-brand strategy the all-electrical precision machine ''Zhafir Venus Series'' (1,500 kN) with an attractive price point. The innovative hydraulic ''Haitian Mars Series'' (3,200 kN) demonstrates its low energy needs during the entire machine cycle.

At this year's Plast Milan the specialists will set eyes onthe quality precision of the all electric ''Zhafir Venus Series'' VE 1500/430. The Venus produces a 1 liter food container from PP-70 with a three-axis robot. The 54g form piece is injected in about 8 seconds in a one-cavity tool with a hot runner. In addition to precision, speed and very complete standard equipment, the all-electric machine offering is compelling with an attractive price when compared to European hydraulic machines.

Energy efficiency is the key point of the ''Haitian Mars Series'' MA 3200/1700. Still unique on the European market is the innovative servomotor drive which accelerates from 0 to 2,000 RPM in just 0.05 seconds — and therefore demonstrates 30% shorter reaction times than conventional machines. In addition to demonstrating significantly reduced cycle time, the machine requires up to 45% less energy than comparable competitors. At the convention, the Mars will produce a suitcase from PP-21 from a one-cavity tool with hot runner. During the entire machine cycle, its energy use can be observed on an additional monitor.

Haitian Europe is supported with automation and peripherals by its partners, ''Star Europe'' and ''Piovan.''

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网址: http://www.haitian.com/ 电话:86-0574-86188888
地址: 中国·浙江·北仑江南出口加工贸易区

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