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Siemens PLM Software Announces New PLM Initiative to Help Small Businesses Improve Their Customer Responsiveness
http://cn.newmaker.com 1/27/2009 1:54:00 PM  佳工机电网
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New Aberdeen Report Indicates Top Performers Leverage a Comprehensive PLM Toolset to Respond Effectively to Customer Needs

PLANO, Texas, January 26, 2009 - Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division and a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services, today announced a new global initiative and online resource center (www.siemens.com/plm/answers/smb) to show small manufacturing businesses how implementing a PLM strategy can help them better respond to the needs of their customers.

''Since we introduced the Velocity Series™ portfolio, one of the top requests from small to medium size businesses (SMBs) is to provide tools that help them respond more quickly to customer demands,'' said Bruce Boes, vice president, Global Velocity Series Marketing. ''Small businesses have special needs and limited resources, yet they need the ability to provide innovative products rapidly. This initiative focuses on enabling our customers to respond better to their customers so they can turn more ideas into successful products.''

A new Aberdeen report indicates that top SMB companies use PLM to respond effectively and efficiently to customer needs.

''Our research shows that a variety of pressures driving product development improvements ultimately tie back to customer responsiveness,'' said Chad Jackson, Vice President of the Product Innovation practice at Aberdeen. ''Unfortunately, these SMB organizations are highly constrained in terms of budgets, timelines and skilled workforce. Our recent studies show that top performing organizations leverage a comprehensive toolset including CAD, CAE, CAM as well as PLM to enable an approach to product development that allows them to respond effectively and quickly to changing customer needs, without sacrificing high performance expectations of their engineering organizations.''

In this new initiative, Siemens PLM Software shows customers how to reduce customer delivery by 50 percent, reduce engineering change orders by 40 percent, and save 30 percent in physical prototyping costs.

Siemens PLM Software's top performing SMB customers use PLM to achieve these kinds of savings so they can respond quickly to customer needs.

Vikram Sirur, managing director at Miven Machine Tools Ltd. said that Siemens PLM Software ''is helping us meet customers' requirements in terms of quality, delivery and product performance.''

Luisito Chong, manager of production engineering at Angelus Sanitary Can, said that ''we wanted the productivity gains and the superior visualization that 3D offers so we could continue to meet our customers' requests.''

Bob Schafbuch, assistant vice president of enterprise applications for Integrated DNA Technology's manufacturing locations said that ''it will be much easier to meet the FDA's documentation requirements. This has been such a huge leap for us.''

''Siemens PLM Software understands the needs and challenges SMBs face,'' said Bill McClure, vice president of development for Velocity Series, Siemens PLM Software. ''That's why we developed and continue to expand the capabilities of the four products in our Velocity Series SMB suite, which include CAD (Solid Edge®), CAM (CAM Express), CAE (Femap®), and PDM (Teamcenter® Express) software. All the products are modular, yet integrated, easy to implement with the industry's best practices, and scalable to the entire portfolio of Siemens PLM Software solutions. Velocity Series can help SMBs realize the benefits of PLM, while maintaining a low total cost of ownership.''

Offered in the online resource center are a variety of tools for assessing one's customer responsiveness, case studies on how other customers have improved responsiveness, as well as multiple videos and industry analyst white papers. Also available are details on capabilities for product development, manufacturing and project management roles play into responding better to customers.

For more information on improving your customer responsiveness with PLM go to www.siemens.com/plm/answers/smb.

About Siemens PLM Software

Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division, is a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services with 5.9 million licensed seats and 56,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens PLM Software works collaboratively with companies to deliver open solutions that help them turn more ideas into successful products. For more information on Siemens PLM Software products and services, visit www.siemens.com/plm.

About Siemens Industry Automation Division

The Siemens Industry Automation Division (Nuremberg, Germany) is a worldwide leader in the fields of automation systems, low-voltage switchgear and industrial software. Its portfolio ranges from standard products for the manufacturing and process industries to solutions for whole industrial sectors that encompass the automation of entire automobile production facilities and chemical plants. As a leading software supplier, Industry Automation optimizes the entire value added chain of manufacturers - from product design and development to production, sales and a wide range of maintenance services. With around 42,900 employees worldwide Siemens Industry Automation achieved in fiscal year 2008 total sales of EUR8.7 billion (preliminary and unaudited).

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