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Metris Inspect-X 1.5 streamlines CT data collection and analysis 10/27/2008 8:28:00 AM

Metris Inspect-X 1.5 streamlines CT data collection and analysis

October 23rd, 2008 - Metris (MTRS, Euronext Brussels) launches Inspect-X 1.5 software that streamlines system operation in both Computed Tomography (CT) applications and X-ray electronics inspection. The software offers a brand- new integrated setup wizard for optimized CT data acquisition. Overall CT reconstruction time to a 3D volume model is reduced to the order of minutes through the Metris-developed fast reconstruction engine. In addition, radical software enhancements for electronics inspection facilitate operation and automation, which further improve inspection accuracy and repeatability.

Reliable CT data in the shortest possible time

For industrial and electronics CT, Inspect-X 1.5 embeds a redesigned and streamlined wizard that leads the user through the CT setup process as simply and easily as possible. The emphasis is clearly on ease of use, as it only takes a few mouse clicks between sample insertion and CT data availablity. Simplified user operation includes automatic parameter recommendations that enable everyone to capture accurate CT data in the shortest possible time. To increase the productivity of repeated CT, existing setups can be saved and reused on the spot. This greatly increases the throughput of samples to be scanned using identical or similar inspection conditions.

Ultra-fast CT reconstruction on an off-the-shelf PC

Inspect-X 1.5 speeds up CT reconstruction by embedding an optimized reconstruction algorithm that is designed for fast and accurate operation. For example, in a 1024 pixel-cubed volume, quick CT reconstruction is completed in less than 2 minutes! As the reconstruction processing runs on a single PC equipped with standard off-the-shelf components, PC maintenance and upgrades are straightforward and affordable. By specifying regions of interest, all CT reconstruction resources are allocated to these specific areas, speeding up analysis and decision-making processes. To further increase productivity, Inspect-X 1.5 supports queuing off-line reconstruction jobs for overnight processing. In this way, users can continuously collect data during the daytime, and have reconstruction executed automatically overnight.

Electronics inspection made fast and easy

For electronic components and PCBs, Inspect-X 1.5 incorporates automated inspection functions that increase consistency and eliminate programming skills. To further increase throughput, multiple PCB boards can be loaded and inspected using a single program. The software will automatically locate each sample and align it with the reference fiducials in the inspection program. In addition, automatic board identification using a bar code reader is an important element in automated inspection and reporting.

Inspect-X increases sample-to-sample repeatability by introducing flux calibration, which normalizes image brightness to a uniform level in areas surrounding the zone of interest. Defects such as ball grid array (BGA) voids or wiring defects can be traced efficiently, using automated sample sentencing with manual override of pass/fail. The compliancy of inspection reports with MRP systems increases manufacturing process integration.

Optimizing filament conditions to maximize lifetime

The lifetime of the filament within the X-ray source is dependent on the amount of current drawn from it and hence the temperature at which it needs to run. Inspect-X 1.5 features an automatic software algorithm for XT V 160 electronics inspection systems that optimizes filament current management to extend filament life. On average, optimum filament operating conditions approximately double filament life, considering equal use of the system. Longer filament life implies fewer filament replacement routines, translating into higher system uptime and lower maintenance cost.

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