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提升数控车床附加价值的新利器--高速气压回转缸 8/16/2008 6:02:00 PM


目前业界上数控车床最常使用的油压回转缸已经成为高阶机床高速化最大的瓶颈. 目前有许多高阶的数控车床采用马达内藏主轴的设计, 主轴转速已能突破10000RPM以上. 但其采用的油压回转缸因为热温升的问题. 将车床实际工作转速限制在仅7000RPM左右. 朝铨实业于2007年取得台湾省经济部工业局研发计划补助资金, 与台湾多家数控机床厂联盟合作, 成功开发一款中空气压回转缸JAL636-PL. 经实际测试, JAL636-PL气压回转缸在6500RPM时的缸体温升在摄氏8度以内. 能彻底解决传统油压回转缸的发热问题. 朝铨在2008年第二季, 将再投入研发经费, 开发一款外径148mm, 转速达12000RPM的高性能气压回转缸. 将帮助国内的数控车床产品以低成本的方式突破10000RPM的转速限制. 以下文章是由朝铨实业产品经理蔡昌升先生投稿于美国AeroSpace Manufacturing and Design的原文与译稿.


A brand new open-center pneumatic cylinder was developed by JATO Precision for the high speed and high accuracy CNC lathes which use spring collets to clamp work-parts. JATO JAL636-PL pneumatic cylinder has extremely low temperature rising to avoid thermal error of spindle system of CNC lathes, and it also largely decreases building cost of the machine since no hydraulic pump, tank and cooler is needed.

Today, more and more industrial parts are smaller in size and are required to be more accurate in dimension than they were in the past. Many machine builders find hydraulic cylinders which are being used most commonly in the industry today as actuator of power chuck or spring collets have an unsolvable problem - temperature rising. For instance, the surface temperature of a regular hydraulic cylinder may reach 60 degree Celsius or higher when operated at 5000RPM if no cooler is installed. And this high temperature rising causes unpredictable thermal error of the spindle system and it gets worse as RPM goes higher, making it hard to keep the work-part accurate no matter how accurate the spindle is. To suppress this temperature rising, the machine builders have to invest more on oil cooling equipment, and the cost goes higher when the RPM is required to be higher.

JAL636-PL is powered by compressed air, meaning that the building cost of machines can be lowered by saving the purchase of a hydraulic tank and a hydraulic pump. The experiment shows the temperature rising of the cylinder body is less than 8 digresses Celsius when running at 6500RPM; this can further lower the cost since no cooler is needed. JAL636-PL comes with compact size and low mass, 162mm (6.38") in diameter, 144mm (5.67") in length, and 7.2kgs (15.8lbs) in weight. This pneumatic cylinder is designed to actuate 5C or compatible spring collets whose tapered angle is less than 10 degrees. We also enhance the pulling force of JAL636-PL to 935kgf (2057lbs) when input air pressure is 7kg/cm-sq (100psi) by embedded elastic springs. This also ensures the work-part will be clamped when the cylinder loses input air pressure suddenly.

JAL636-PL is the first product of JAL series pneumatic cylinder. There are several machine builders have already phased-in this brand new product on their lathes. JATO also is rewarded by Taiwan Industrial Development Bureau for the excellent design of this high performance pneumatic cylinder. To further strengthen our pneumatic cylinder product line, there are two new products which will be released at the Q4 of 2008. JAL846-D is design to provide very large clamping force with its double pistons, suitable for actuating 8" jaw type power chucks. And JAL525 will be able to provide super high speed operation up to 10000RPM to work with lathes which use high-speed built-in-motor spindles. The complete JAL series product line will be displayed in Taipei International Machine Tool Show on March, 2009. Meanwhile, JATO offers limited quantity of samples of JAL636-PL for customers to evaluate the outstanding performance of JAL636-PL. To learn more about JATO pneumatic cylinder, please contact us at info@jato-precision.com or visit us at www.jato-precision.com.

JATO Precision针对高转速,高精度,使用弹性筒夹夹持工作物的小型数控车床,开发了一款全新的高速中空气压回转缸JAL636-PL. 应用JAL636-PL气压回转缸, 数控机床能有效的降低主轴热温升造成的精度误差, 并且大幅降低机床本身的建造成本.

随着各式加工零件小型化, 精细化的趋势, 越来越多工具机厂商发现油压回转缸,目前最普遍应用于产业界的夹具驱动装置, 在高转速工作时有着天生无法克服的棘手问题–热温升. 由于油压回转缸内的循环油不断的摩擦生热, 造成主轴系统温度上升, 对于主轴系统的精度控制有着极不利的影响. 除了热误差的主要不利影响外, 为了抑制油压回转缸工作时的高温升, 油压回转缸本身必需增加许多额外的设计, 如散热鳍片, 以及防止压力过高的安全阀等. 但这些只能解决部份的问题, 机床本身还需要安装油冷却系统, 将温度降至合理的范围内, 随着机床的转速需求提高, 油冷却系统的额外成本更是随之增加.

而JATO Precision新开发的JAL636-PL中空气压回转缸是以压缩空气驱动工作,能节省油压帮浦与油箱的设备成本. JAL636-PL经实际测试, 在6500RPM最高转速下缸体的温升保持在8℃以内, 能完全解决油压回转缸热温升的棘手问题,并且能节省昂贵的油冷却设备成本. JAL636-PL的缸径为162mm. 全长为144mm, 重量仅7.2kgs是一款外型精简的高性能气压回转缸, 中空孔径为36mm, 能配合自动送料机工作. JAL636-PL应用JATO Precision专利的结构. 在7kg/cm2时能输出935kgf的强大拉力, 因此适合作为5C或其它兼容的弹性筒夹的驱动装置。

JATO Precision所开发的JAL636-PL是JAL系列CNC车床气压回转缸的第一款产品, 目前已有数家机床厂与我们合作导入, JAL636-PL并且荣获台湾省经济部工业局的研发奖励. JATO Precision一系列高速中空气压回转缸产品正陆续上市中, 其中包含有强大工作推力/拉力, 专为驱动8吋油压卡盘的JAL846-D双活塞中空气压回转缸等产品. 我们将在2009年Taipei International Machine Tool Show展示我们完整的JAL系列产品, 同时, 我们针对有意愿导入中空气压回转缸的潜在客户, 限量的提供样品以供评估.

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网址: http://www.jato-precision.com/CN.htm 电话:86-0512-36839041
地址: 中国·江苏·昆山经济开发区前进东路579号中航城国际大厦907室

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