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Cognex Receives Over $300,000 from Leading Auto Maker for Part Traceability Initiative
http://cn.newmaker.com 8/14/2008 12:20:00 PM  佳工机电网
工业相机, 镜头, 视觉传感器, 图像采集卡, 视觉光源, ...
NATICK, MA, August 11, 2008--Cognex Corporation (NASDAQ: CGNX) announced today that a leading Japanese auto manufacturer will use Cognex In-Sight® ID readers for part tracking at its engine assembly plant in the United States. Cognex has already received orders totaling more than $300,000 from this customer, with additional orders expected in the near future.

The customer will use Cognex In-Sight 5110 ID code readers to read 2D data matrix codes marked on engine parts. The codes are used to track individual components from machining centers through final assembly, providing a verifiable path through each critical production process, and ensuring that the correct parts have been used in each engine.

''Tracking parts and components throughout manufacturing and assembly enables manufacturers to isolate the source of production problems quickly, and control costs,'' said Dr. Robert J. Shillman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cognex. ''For this reason, manufacturers around the world are increasingly investing in traceability initiatives, and Cognex ID readers with ID Max software provide the most robust and reliable ID code-reading performance available.''

About Cognex

Cognex Corporation designs, develops, manufactures, and markets machine vision sensors and systems, or devices that can "see." Cognex vision sensors are used in factories around the world to automate the manufacture of a wide range of items and to assure their quality. Cognex is the world's leader in the machine vision industry, having shipped more than 400,000 machine vision systems, representing over $2 billion in cumulative revenue, since the company's founding in 1981. In addition to its corporate headquarters in Natick, Massachusetts, Cognex also has regional offices and distributors located throughout North America, Japan, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Visit Cognex on-line at www.cognex.com.

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