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Hexagon Metrology Acquires Measurement Service Company
http://cn.newmaker.com 7/26/2008 9:59:00 PM  佳工机电网
三坐标测量机, 关节臂测量机, 逆向工程/测量机软件, ...
North Kingstown, Rhode Island. July 23, 2008. Hexagon Metrology has announced that it has acquired Advanced Digital Measurement Works, LLC of Santa Ana, California.

The company was originally part of the Surveyor's Service Company (Servco), also a Hexagon owned company. Advanced Digital Measurement has a 17-year history of offering precision industrial measuring services, reverse engineering, and inspection capabilities to many industries, including aerospace, automotive, entertainment, medical and power generation. The company utilizes the latest state-of the art 3D measuring technologies such as laser trackers and portable arm CMMs. ''We are very excited to add the capabilities of Advanced Digital Measurement Works team to our services group,'' said Jean Gardiner, Director of Business Development for Hexagon Metrology's services business. ''Their capabilities are a great match for our existing team and their expertise expands our capacity to offer customized metrology services such as on-site contract inspection, reverse engineering, and contract metrology staffing.''

''In today's extremely competitive environment, companies may not have enough measurement professionals to accomplish their goals, particularly in situations where there's a compressed timeline, like a product launch. Our objective is to supply the talented staff that can augment a company's existing capabilities when they are needed most. Think of us as a highly specialized on-demand staffing agency for dimensional metrology services.''

About Hexagon Metrology
Hexagon Metrology serves the high precision measurement and inspection needs of worldwide manufacturers with its extensive line of metrology hardware, software, accessories, and customer services. The company's name-brand portfolio of quality assurance products include Brown & Sharpe, CogniTens, Leica Geosystems, ROMER, Sheffield, PC-DMIS, DEA, Leitz, and TESA. Hexagon Metrology has an unrivaled installed base of more than 1.5 million handheld, stationary and portable measurement devices, and over 30,000 seats of PC-DMIS metrology software.

The company is a subsidiary of Hexagon Measurement Technologies, a business unit of Hexagon AB (Nacka Strand, Sweden), a publicly-traded company (OMX Nordic: HEXA B). The Hexagon group consists of nearly 8,200 employees located in 30 countries.

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