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http://cn.newmaker.com 7/18/2008 10:12:00 AM  佳工机电网
聚乙烯(PE), 聚苯乙稀PS, 聚酰亚胺PI, 聚酰胺PA, PA66塑料(尼龙), ...
On-line visitor registration for Interplas 2008 is now open at www.interplas-expo.co.uk

The UK's leading plastics exhibition will be welcoming nearly 50 first time exhibitors when it opens its doors at the NEC, Birmingham on 30th September.

These include Ferromatik Milacron Ltd, Fercell Engineering Ltd, Mecmesin Ltd, Nikon UK Instruments, Olympus Industrial, and Proma Machinery Ltd, as well as Chinese companies Liansu Machinery Company and TJ Mould.

UK Plastics Machinery Ltd, which supplies high quality ancillary equipment to all plastics sectors including injection, blow moulding, extrusion, film and packaging, is another company taking a stand at the exhibition for the first time. ''Interplas is the only UK plastics show that promotes all of these areas,'' says director Tim Peet.

The company will be launching a new version of its highly successful DDM Mobile Desiccant Dryer at the exhibition. The new DDM V features a compact design, is easy to operate and offers colour touch screen controls as standard, and comes with a three-year guarantee for the desiccant beds.

IceTech A/S of Denmark will show two new digital dry ice blasting machines, the IceBlast KG30 Professional and IceBlast KG50 Professional, which offer a cost-effective, efficient and solvent-free method of cleaning.

''The plastics industry is very important to us and Interplas exactly targets the end users that we want to reach,'' comments Sales Coordinator Birgit Mørch.

Interplas takes place from 30th September to 2nd October. Key features include a major free seminar programme organised by IOM3 with the assistance of the BPF. Key topics will include the environment and sustainability, innovative design and the history of plastics.

Interplas will also incorporate the Inspex feature, which focuses on quality control and measurement industries, and run alongside the closely related processing and packaging machinery exhibition, the PPMA Show, all of which will make up the largest UK manufacturing trade event in the autumn of 2008.

Visitors registering online to attend Interplas will also receive free access into the PPMA Show.

For further information and to register to visit, go to www.interplas-expo.co.uk

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