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The Brazilian Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE) implements LMS solutions in ground vibrations testing 6/25/2008 9:57:00 PM
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Leuven, Belgium - LMS, the engineering innovation company, announced today that the Brazilian Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE), one of the research organizations of the Brazilian Air Force, is deploying LMS Test.Lab testing systems and LMS Virtual.Lab simulation software to better identify critical vibration modes on ground vibration tests (GVT). Implementation, applications assistance and on-going technical support services are being provided by LMS regional representative SMARTtech, which was instrumental in securing the contract for LMS International.

In efforts to increase safety and improve pre-test predictive capabilities, IAE plans to utilize advanced LMS technology to identify the dynamic behaviors of aeronautical and aerospace structures investigated. IAE researchers typically predict resonant frequencies of structures using finite-element models updated with frequency response function (FRF) measurement data. In the LMS implementation to improve this process, IAE will use LMS Virtual.Lab simulation software at the pre-test stage to accurately identify critical points of measurement, and subsequently to correlate and update the analysis models. LMS Test.Lab will be used by researchers in performing experimental modal analysis post-processing. The measurements are acquired by a 112-channel LMS SCADAS III front-end with built-in versatile LMS signal-conditioning capabilities.

The system includes LMS PolyMAX, a modal parameter estimator that quickly highlights resonances as colored spikes on amplitude versus frequency plots, allowing researchers to spot eigen frequencies in seconds instead of spending hours pouring through raw FRF data. Automation of this task saves time, yields more consistent results and enables engineers to easily spot resonances that otherwise might not be readily identified. ''LMS PolyMAX saves a significant amount of time and enables us to identify vibration modes that previously might have gone undetected with our former manual methods,'' explains Dr. Everaldo Barros, manager of the IAE Experimental Modal Analysis Test Group. ''This allows us to more closely correlate test measurements with analysis predictions in updating the mathematical models. When applying LMS Test.Lab and LMS Virtual.Lab, our productivity is increased, the engineering group has greater confidence in the results and the system added considerable value in reaching higher analysis accuracy in our projects.''

LMS was able to cover all the functional requirements with a single integrated solution. This enables IAE to establish a unified approach in identifying modal frequencies in the investigated structures and updating the analysis models. ''LMS came up with the most advanced tools and best integrated process solution in addressing the challenge of structural dynamics for our aerospace applications'', Barros says.

''The integration of these technologies into a unified system allows us to efficiently prepare test campaigns, perform the data acquisition with high number of channels, adequately cover all the various excitation modes, accurately identify resonances and easily compare them with those predicted by the FE model. Overall, LMS has enabled us to significantly increase the precision of our mathematical predictions in aerospace applications where accuracy is an absolute must.''

''We are honored for LMS to have an important role in Brazil's aerospace program development,'' says Filip Pintelon, LMS Vice-President and General Manager Test Division. ''IAE relies on our advanced tools as well as the support of the dedicated professionals at SMARTtech. Together, this winning combination of technology and know-how benefits IAE and other customers in the worldwide aerospace industry.''

About LMS:

LMS is an engineering innovation partner for companies in the automotive, aerospace and other advanced manufacturing industries. With approximately 30 years of experience, LMS helps customers get better products to market faster and turn superior process efficiency into key competitive advantages. With a unique combination of 1D and 3D simulation software, testing systems and engineering services, LMS tunes into mission critical engineering attributes, ranging from system dynamics, structural integrity and sound quality to durability, safety and power consumption. With multi-domain solutions for thermal, fluid dynamics, electrical and mechanical system behavior, LMS can address the complex engineering challenges associated with intelligent system design. Thanks to our technology and dedicated people, LMS has become the partner of choice of more than 5,000 manufacturing companies worldwide. LMS is certified to ISO9001:2000 quality standards and operates through a network of subsidiaries and representatives in key locations around the world.

For more information on LMS, visit www.lmsintl.com.

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