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New Opti-Mix™ Batch Blenders
http://cn.newmaker.com 6/17/2008 6:43:00 PM  佳工机电网
New Opti-Mix™ Batch BlendersTSM Control Systems has launched the all new OPTI-MIX™ batch blender with its throughput range from 1 to 200 Kg/h. It utilises four easily removable hoppers with individual integrated slide valves for fast material changes and the well known patented TSM superior reverse-flight auger mixing. With the new OPTI-MIX™ technology, material dosing precision combined with the best material blend homogeneity guarantees consistent end-product quality and Masterbatch savings.

The OPTI-MIX™ blender incorporates a Remote Colour Graphical Touch-screen Operator Interface that simplifies recipe change and selection. The ¼ VGA TFT display is extremely user-friendly and provides intuitive prompts.

An infinite number of pre-programmed job recipes are instantly accessible, enabling rapid "on-the-fly" order changes. The Recipe Select feature allows a new job to be loaded instantly, including blend percentages or job size. As the job progresses the operator can view ''set'' and ''actual'' blend recipes, material weights & Kg/hr or Gm/m throughput values.

Other new features available are its removable electronics console and removable mixing chamber for easy cleaning to facilitate quick and easy cleaning. With Ethernet protocol delivered as standard and option of CAN or MODBUS as optional, together with USB Plug-in software downloads and SD-card memory, you may quickly realise that this is a blender solution with a long life span. Operators can also benefit from email alerts and email reports available also as standard on the new TSM OPTI-MIX™ blender solution.

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