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Advanced VMCs Set Benchmarks for 3-, 4-, and 5-Axis High-Speed Machining
http://cn.newmaker.com 4/5/2008 1:09:00 PM  Tool-Moldmaking.com
Advanced VMCs Set Benchmarks for 3-, 4-, and 5-Axis High-Speed MachiningTwo new models in the XSM range of vertical high-speed machining centres (VMCs) for mould and tool manufacturing and the machining of small or medium series of high-value-added parts have been engineered by GF AgieCharmilles to integrate the best aspects of 3-, 4-, and 5-axis high-speed milling (HSM) machining. The elegantly and ergonomically designed Mikron XSM 400 3-axis and XSM 400U 5-axis VMCs set HSM benchmarks by pushing back previous technological limits.

The universal-application XSM range integrates, modularly and in a compact area, the machine, the tool-and pallet-automation units, and the fluid- and chip-management units, while retaining full process accessibility and visibility. The single-piece polymer machine base lends the portal structure extremely high rigidity and intrinsic absorption six times higher than that of cast iron. Few vibrations mean longer-lasting tools and better surface quality. The heavy, solid machine base expresses the HSM character of the design.

Working spindles used on the XSM machines are made by Step-Tec and offered in a wide choice of high-frequency models ranging in capability up to 54,000 rpm. Users can select the spindle whose rotation speed, torque, power, and equipment are best suited to a particular production process.

The XSM 400 features x-y-z travels of 400 x 450 x 350 mm, while linear-axis movements in the 400U are 500 x 240 x 350 mm, b-axis swivel is ±110°, and c-axis rotation is 360° at 250 rpm. Feed rates in the linear axes are 80 m/min, and accelerations are 15 m/sec².

The 400U's numerical control and linear axes, as well as rotary axes, exhibit the coordination and the dynamics necessary for 5-axis simultaneous machining. The rotary and swivel tables integrate components that make HSM performance possible, including direct drives with torque motors, direct measurement of angular positions by optical encoders, hydraulic clamping, liquid cooling, and an integrated palletization system.

The XSM models feature a wide safety window in the door, and a window integrated in the lateral panel that gives a direct view of the spindle nose. They can be equipped with the new Sigma FMC module for managing a machining cell.

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