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Revell's robot kit has SolidWorks inside
http://cn.newmaker.com 3/3/2008 7:24:00 PM  佳工机电网
Revell's robot kit has SolidWorks inside3D CAD software helps VEXplorer consumers develop powerful machines for fun, competition, and learning

CONCORD, Mass., Feb. 27, 2008 — Budding inventors and interscholastic competitors are using SolidWorks® 3D CAD software to get the most from their remote control robot kits. The software is now included with every new VEXplorer Robotics Design System, the remote-control robot kit from model icon Revell. Inventors use SolidWorks software to plot their use of gnarly wheels, arms, claws, and spycams that will carry out their bidding.

The VEXplorer is sold directly to consumers through online and traditional retailers. It comes with the SolidWorks Student Design Kit, which provides numerous design, rendering, and animation options, including the ability to download add-on parts from the Internet using the same tools as engineering professionals.

Revell's VEXplorer is an extension of the popular Innovation First, Inc. VEX system already widely used in junior high school, high school, and college robotics classes and endorsed by The Robotics Academy at Carnegie Mellon and other organizations. The VEX Robotics Design System Starter Kit, which also includes SolidWorks software, is the robotics system of choice for competitors in the FIRST Tech Challenge, a mid-level robotics competition for high-school students.

With more than 300 parts, the VEXplorer can be built in a myriad of configurations. ''With so many options, you definitely want to design it before you build it,'' said Kenneth Stafford, director of the Robotics Resource Center at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. ''SolidWorks helps our students create, visualize, change, and refine the plan before they assemble their robots, ensuring the design comes together as intended. SolidWorks also connects them to SolidWorks Corporation's 3D ContentCentral® (http://www.3dcontentcentral.com) parts service, where they can download official VEXplorer parts and millions of others.''

VEXplorer, which itself was designed in SolidWorks software, is now available at toy and discount merchandise retailers like Toys ''R'' Us, Fred Meyer, and Hobby Lobby, as well as at hobby stores across the nation. Online toy, hobby, discount merchandise, and consumer electronic retailers for VEXplorer include Amazon.com, Target.com, Toysrus.com, Fredmeyer.com, Walmart.com, Hobbytownusa.com, Towerhobby.com, Greatplanes.com, CompUSA.com, Discoverthis.com, Etoys.com, Museumtour.com, and HammacherSchlemmer.com. The suggested retail price for VEXplorer is $199 (USD).

''Selecting SolidWorks as a partner was easy,'' said Mike Brezette, Revell marketing vice president. ''We recognize the company's ability to create CAD products that give users the freedom to focus on design, not software. This is exactly what novice inventors and robotics fanatics alike want to spend their time on.''

''Since the VEXplorer parts are the same in every kit, how you put them together makes a big difference in your robot's performance,'' said Marie Planchard, SolidWorks Corporation's director of worldwide education markets. ''In planning the design with SolidWorks software, many VEXplorer customers are beginning their engineering careers and, whether they know it or not, getting a head start with the tools they'll use the rest of their lives.''

About Revell

Revell has been leading the model kit building industry for more than 60 years with products that provide interactivity, authenticity, and fun. Revell's product lines are consumer and hobby robotics, model kits including cars, trucks, ships and planes, R/C vehicles, and slot cars. Visit http://www.Revell.com.

About Innovation First, Inc.

Innovation First, Inc. was founded on the belief that innovation very early in the design process is necessary to produce simple and elegant product designs. Innovation First, Inc. began producing electronics for unmanned mobile ground robots, and is now an industry leader in the hobby, competition, and education markets. The company's award-winning VEX Robotics Design System, VEXplorer, HEXBUG Micro Robotic Creatures, and IFI Robotics span the education, consumer, and business-to-business markets. Please visit www.innovationfirst.com for additional information.

About SolidWorks Corporation
SolidWorks Corporation, a Dassault Systèmes S.A. (Nasdaq: DASTY, Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA) company, develops and markets software for design, analysis, and product data management. It is the leading supplier of 3D CAD technology, giving teams intuitive, high-performing software that helps them design better products. For the latest news, information, or a live online demonstration, visit the company's Web site (www.solidworks.com) or call 1-800-693-9000 (outside of North America, call +1-978-371-5000).

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