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Davis-Standard Upgrades PAC 50 Surface Winders
http://cn.newmaker.com 1/24/2008 11:19:00 AM  佳工机电网
Davis-Standard Upgrades PAC 50 Surface WindersDavis-Standard, LLC announced that it has upgraded the company's PAC 50 series' surface winders. The new winders feature a compact hydraulic system, which uses high-speed digital electronics for lay-on pressure control. This feature reduces blocking at the core, a problem typical on most large-roll surface winders where the lay-on force is not controlled or controlled through mechanical means. The new design also features a device to bring the new core up to speed prior to transfer to allow for smoother starts on thin, high speed webs. Another valuable addition is an integrated shaft hoist system that allows for the operators to easily return the shaft to the transfer position without lifting the shaft.

Other advantages include touch-screen controls mounted on a pendant, AC digital drives and a center assist drive. The new PAC 50 winders are capable of winding diameters up to 60 inches (1,500mm), depending on the width of the shafts. Shafts are available in 3-inch (76mm) and 6-inch (150mm) sizes. The PAC 50 is also equipped with a motorized shaft hoist for shaft handling and re-insertion.

The PAC 50 is designed for converting film and any large diameter roll applications. It is pre-wired and tested to simply installation. For more information, contact Rick Keller at kellerr@bc-egan.com.

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