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HEIDENHAIN introduces TS 740 Touch Probes
http://cn.newmaker.com 1/21/2008 8:39:00 PM  佳工机电网
HEIDENHAIN introduces TS 740 Touch ProbesSCHAUMBURG, IL - (December 1, 2007) - With the introduction of the TS 740 infrared touch probe, HEIDENHAIN offers machine tool users the opportunity to perform measuring tasks that require an especially high probing accuracy and repeatability. Boasting a probing accuracy of ≤ ± 1 µm and a repeatability factor of 2 s ≤ 0.25 µm, the TS 740 workpiece touch probe is one of the most accurate 3D touch probes for machine tools in the market today.

To do this, the HEIDENHAIN TS 740 touch probe features a new sensor whose principle of function is completely different from that of the optical sensor of their standard touch probes. The new technology involves the use of three sensor elements. When probing a workpiece, the stylus is deflected so that a force acts on these elements. This results in the generation of charges that are detected by the electronics and converted into trigger signals. This system allows for more accurate results.

Also in spite of its low probing forces, the TS 740 is designed in such a way that it is well suited for use in modern machine tools with a fast tool changer. Rapid acceleration or deceleration does not cause uncontrolled trigger signals, as is common with those with low probing forces that are typically sensitive to mechanical disturbances.

HEIDENHAIN CORPORATION is the North American subsidiary of DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH, a leading international manufacturer of precision measurement and control equipment. Our product line includes linear scales, rotary and angular encoders, digital readouts, digital length gages, CNC controls and machine inspection equipment.

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