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OSRAM 欧司朗(中国)照明有限公司
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OSRAM light emitting diodes firmly in the headlights 12/22/2007 7:54:00 PM

OSRAM light emitting diodes firmly in the headlights

LEDs from OSRAM Opto Semiconductors have made the leap into the mid range of automobiles now that they are being used for functional lighting on the Audi A4. In the new headlights on the Audi A4 the LEDs are providing high-visibility daytime running light and stylish good looks - a successful combination of innovative headlight design and high levels of safety. This is an important first step toward the widespread use of LED technology in vehicle headlights.

According to the ADAC, the German automobile association, automobiles should be equipped with special daytime running lights as standard. This is an ideal application for light emitting diodes. In the new A4, as in the Audi R8 before it, Audi is answering this call with multiple OSRAM Advanced Power TOPLEDs in each headlight. Thanks to the latest chip technology and the special SMT package, these LEDs produce a uniform white light with a brightness of 18 lumen. Despite this impressive performance the Advanced Power TOPLEDs need an operating current of just 140 mA, which has a negligible effect on fuel consumption.

Small light sources give designers great freedom
Not only does the Advanced Power TOPLED offer low power consumption and high functionality, it has the crucial benefit for automobile designers of being very small. Measuring just 3 millimeters by 3.2 millimeters it gives designers enormous freedom. Colored LEDs made their breakthrough years ago in rear combination lamps (RCL) comprising taillights, flashers and brake lights. Now white LEDs are conquering the front of the vehicle.

Twelve white OSRAM Advanced Power TOPLEDs per headlight now provide daytime running light on the Audi A4. These tiny light sources have therefore now made the leap from high-end vehicles to the executive mid-range market.
Source: AUDI AG

OSRAM LEDs also on the Audi RS6
Innovative LED headlight design is also moving on apace in the top-of-the-range models. The new Audi RS6 features ten Golden DRAGON high-power LEDs that underline the sleek elegance of this high-performance model. The LED for brilliant white daytime running light has a brightness of 50 lumen.

车灯, 遥控发射器, 汽车娱乐系统, TPMS胎压监测, 汽车防盗器, ...

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·交通运输/海工装备展区 > 汽车电子展厅 > 车灯 > 汽车电子技术动态
·电子元器件及材料展区 > 二极管、三极管展厅 > LED > 二极管、三极管技术动态
OSRAM 欧司朗(中国)照明有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.osram.com.cn 电话:86-0757-8648 6005
地址: 中国·广东·广东省佛山市工业北路1号 邮编528000

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