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SGI Introduces the SGI BioCluster Life Sciences Workflow Solution 12/15/2007 10:01:00 AM

SGI Introduces the SGI BioCluster Life Sciences Workflow Solution

SGI Altix XE Cluster with eXludus Grid Optimizer Delivers 90 Percent Acceleration of BLASTn and 70 Percent Acceleration of HMMR

SUNNYVALE, Calif. (December 11, 2007) - With clusters the fastest growing segment of the computer market in biosciences according to the IDC industry analyst report "HPC Market and Research Overview: 2006 and Beyond", SGI (NASDAQ: SGIC) introduces the SGI® BioCluster, a powerful and accelerated workflow solution for pharmaceutical, life sciences and higher education researchers. The SGI BioCluster is an SGI® Altix® XE cluster system with PBS Pro cluster management tools and the eXludus Grid Optimizer™, a new multi-core capacity management technology that substantially boosts throughput in clusters and grids running workloads with tens, hundreds or thousands of concurrent users through its unique real-time job schedule optimization technology.

Two life sciences software applications have been benchmarked by eXludus on the SGI BioCluster thus far, using a 64-processor configuration. There was a 70 percent performance acceleration of HMMER and 90 percent acceleration on BLASTn, compared to a SGI Altix XE cluster using PBS Pro only.

"The high performance gains we achieved on in-house benchmarks are a result of the combination of our new Grid Optimizer, which is designed to increase the throughput efficiency of multi-core processors and prevent them from interfering with one another and the scalable architecture of the SGI Altix XE," said Benoit Marchand, founder and CEO of eXludus. "As we developed this technology we found that not only does performance increase, but performances of certain classes of applications accelerate tremendously, specifically bioinformatics, proteomics, animation and PDA chip design. In a nutshell, Grid Optimizer accelerates performance in many classes of applications and ensures the machines are used to their fullest capacity."

As benchmarking continues, it is expected that as other life sciences applications are tested similar speed-ups will be achieved, greatly differentiating the SGI BioCluster from other clusters in productivity benefits and price-performance.

"The SGI BioCluster is an ideal solution for pharmaceutical, biotech and university researchers seeking a turn-key workflow solution that will accelerate their genomics and proteomics work and easily integrate into their existing infrastructure," said Deepak Thakkar, Ph.D., BioSciences Segment Manager, SGI. "Clusters are the compute platform of choice of almost 40 percent of the total biosciences market and with the powerful BioCluster solution SGI will be delivering a system that will enable faster time to insight and discovery."

The SGI BioCluster is available immediately through SGI and SGI value-added reseller channel. The system can be purchased with a 1, 2, or 3-year license, or as a 90-day trial version. The SGI BioCluster with the 64 Intel® Xeon® processors is the recommended configuration for high performance results. The system can also be configured with 16 or 32 processors. SGI customers who currently own an SGI Altix XE cluster system can purchase the eXludus Grid Optimizer with the same 1, 2, or 3 year license, or 90-day trial as well.

SGI | Innovation for Results™

SGI (NASDAQ: SGIC) is a leader in high-performance computing. SGI delivers a broad range of high-performance server, visualization and storage solutions along with industry-leading professional services and support that enable its customers to overcome the challenges of complex data-intensive workflows and accelerate breakthrough discoveries, innovation and information transformation. SGI helps customers solve significant challenges, whether it's enhancing the quality of life through drug research, designing and manufacturing safer and more efficient cars and airplanes, studying global climate change, providing technologies for homeland security and defense, or helping enterprises manage large data. With offices worldwide, the company is headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., and can be found on the Web at sgi.com

© 2007 SGI. All rights reserved. SGI, Altix, the SGI cube and the SGI logo are registered trademarks of SGI in the United States and/or other countries worldwide. Intel, Xeon and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

This news release contains forward-looking statements regarding SGI technologies and third-party technologies that are subject to risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in such statements. The reader is cautioned not to rely unduly on these forward-looking statements, which are not a guarantee of future or current performance. Such risks and uncertainties include long-term program commitments, the performance of third parties, the sustained performance of current and future products, financing risks, the ability to integrate and support a complex technology solution involving multiple providers and users, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company's most recent SEC reports, including its reports on Form 10-K and Form 10-Q.

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网址: http://www.sgi.com.cn 电话:86-010-85221168
地址: 中国·北京·中国北京东城区金宝街89号金宝大厦10-01室 邮编100005

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