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Autodesk manufacturing software
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Delcam launches new entry-level version of ArtCAM software 12/15/2007 9:46:00 AM

Delcam launches new entry-level version of ArtCAM software

Delcam has released a new entry-level version within its ArtCAM family of artistic CADCAM software. Like the other members of the ArtCAM range, the new option, called ArtCAM Express, is aimed at skilled artisans rather than engineers and requires little knowledge of engineering or computing. It is believed to be the easiest to learn and the fastest to use engraving and routing software currently available.

ArtCAM Express offers 2D drawing, and 2D and basic 3D machining functions, and so provides an ideal introduction to computer-based manufacturing for companies in the signmaking, woodworking and engraving industries. Designs can be imported in DXF, DWG, AI and EPS 2D formats, while the 3D formats supported include STL files from any CAD system, plus designs from Alias Wavefront, 3D Studio and other members of the ArtCAM family.

The software comes with a library of 3D clip-art that new customers can use to create their first models. All these examples can be scaled or combined to give initial designs ready for machining. As the user increases his skills, any new designs that he creates can be added to the library.

For users that prefer to create their own designs, the software includes a range of drawing tools for creating both geometric and free-form shapes, and also for editing and repairing imported 2D files. The options for text creation support a wide range of fonts and also give complete control over spacing, kerning, and line and paragraph formatting.

Once the design has been finalised, the software offers a variety of strategies for CNC machining. 2D strategies supported include area clearance, profiling, engraving, vector-based machining and drilling, plus V-bit carving on all standard Windows fonts. In addition, a 3D raster toolpath can be created within a vector boundary. The software is supplied with a tooling database, which can be edited or added to by the user, plus drivers for many of the leading CNC engraving and routing machines.

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Autodesk manufacturing software联系方式:
网址: https://www.autodesk.com/solutions/manufacturing 电话:86-010-8565 8800
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