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Daimler expects huge US demand for tiny Smart car
http://cn.newmaker.com 12/7/2007 5:14:00 PM  佳工机电网
Daimler expects huge US demand for tiny Smart carGerman car maker Daimler said Tuesday that next month's launch of its tiny Smart car in the United States will unleash such stiff demand the company will have trouble meeting it.

"We will not be able to meet demand thus far" for 2008, Daimler chairman Dieter Zetsche said here at a news briefing.

More than 30,000 US customers have put down 99-dollar deposits to reserve one of the fuel-saving, two-seat Smart Fortwo, which will begin arriving in the massive US market in January, he said.

"Down payments are going far beyond the production capacity we have," the chairman said, without providing a sales forecast for the US market.

Many analysts question the ability of the super-small Smart, which measures a mere 2.5 meters (eight feet) in length, to succeed in the country of hulking gasoline-guzzling vehicles.

"Times have changed," Zetsche said, pointing to growing concerns of American consumers about global warming.

The Smart Fortwo will be marketed via 70 dealerships in the leading US cities, the company said.

In its most basic version, the micro car will sell for 11,590 dollars, excluding tax. The company said that a Smart equipped with all the options was expected to cost some 20,000 dollars, including tax.

"We are not looking for customers looking for the cheapest vehicle," Zetsche said.

Daimler clearly signaled it was aiming to emulate Apple's success with electronics gadgets in the US market.

"Like owning an Apple i-Mac, i-Pod or i-Phone, Smart documents the open-minded attitude of the 'thought leaders,' who choose innovative solutions as an existential part of their everyday lives," the company said in a press brochure.

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