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The Next Step for GPS, WiFi and Web Integration
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/27/2007 9:04:00 PM  佳工机电网
无线上网卡, 光纤设备, 网络布线产品, 计算机干扰器, 网关, ...
The folks at Dash Networks, who are readying a next-generation GPS-plus device, have gotten their first pre-production shipment of their forthcoming products and were set to start putting the first batch of them through their paces, according to Dash's Rob Currie on the company's blog.

The device is noteworthy because, once deployed, it's said to do a bunch of things all at once. It's a GPS navigation device that also integrates WiFi, services from Yahoo, continually updated traffic information and two-way communication.

Not surprising, at Currie's blog item there are a number of willing volunteers for the beta testing round of the Dash device.

Ozzie Diaz of Hewlett-Packard is already one of the lucky ones. He writes: "I've been on the beta program for Dash Networks who is nearing commercialization of a GPS nav device with a built-in GPRS radio as well as WiFi that enables updated traffic information and Yahoo! Local content while on the go. The Yahoo! Local is pretty good and provides the all-important personalized content related to my location, such as where is the nearest Starbucks or pizza joint. Apart from the obvious interest in the combo of tailored Internet content and location, the as-yet unrealized potential is with the WiFi interface. Currently it's doing firmware updates when parked in your garage at home or brought in the house."

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