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SPE to Organize Massive Technical Conference at SPI's NPE2009
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/10/2007 11:50:00 AM  佳工机电网

Exhibiting at K-2007, Both Associations Cite 'the Greatest Possible Return on Investment' for Those Attending NPE2009

DÜSSELDORF, October 29, 2007: In an agreement with the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) announced today by The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. (SPI), SPE will present a technical conference with hundreds of peer-reviewed, never before published papers at SPI's NPE2009 international exposition. The agreement will enable SPI to provide NPE visitors with the largest technical educational program ever offered as an integral part of an international plastics trade show.

SPI's NPE 2009 show and the SPE conference will take place June 22-26 at Chicago's McCormick Place.

The SPE technical conference will take place in the new McCormick West building, which includes extensive, state-of-the-art meeting facilities. It will be of a size ''commensurate with NPE2009,'' according to SPI president and CEO William R. Carteaux. He noted that NPE will be the world's largest plastics show in 2009, and is expected to attract even more international exhibitors and visitors than in 2006.

''While the SPE conference provides NPE visitors with a very large and diversified selection of high-quality technical presentations, SPI will present a concurrent educational program, even larger than in 2006, on business and management issues,'' Carteaux said. ''The combination of exhibits and conferences at NPE2009 will be of a size and scope without counterpart among other plastics events, offering attendees the greatest possible return on their investment.''

SPE is already internationally respected as the organizer of the annual ANTEC (TM), the world's largest plastics technical conference, and is the premiere source of plastics education, noted Susan Oderwald, SPE executive director. ''SPE's conference at NPE2009 will incorporate all of the values of our other technical conferences, creating an unprecedented opportunity for inter-communication between the scientific and technical community and the marketing and sales professionals on the exhibit floor,'' Oderwald said. ''We will develop a program consisting solely of original, peer-reviewed presentations and ranging over a broad spectrum of technical interests. There will be hundreds of papers, reflecting the diversity of SPE membership and the tens of thousands of visitors at NPE2009.''

McCormick West Will Be 'New-Technology Showcase' at NPE2009

Completed in mid-2007, McCormick West will play a vital role in the expansion under way for NPE. The building has 250,000 sq.ft. (23,200 sq.m) of meeting space divided among 61 rooms, plus 470,000 sq. ft. (43,700 sq.m) of gross exhibition space. The ratio of meeting to exhibit space is one of the highest in the U.S., according to Chicago's Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority (MPEA), which operates McCormick Place.

''Besides accommodating many NPE2009 exhibitors, McCormick West will serve as a new-technology showcase for industry suppliers, processors, and designers.'' said Carteaux. ''While the SPE technical conference will present the results of recent research in many industry sectors and introduce a wealth of innovations, the exhibit floor will feature special pavilions and displays sponsored by SPI to highlight the latest developments in materials, processing, and design.''

Among these new features will be pavilions dedicated to emerging technologies, a design competition with a display of innovative products from processors, and a theater where exhibitors can demonstrate their latest developments. [See accompanying news release for details.]


The SOCIETY OF PLASTICS ENGINEERS (SPE) is a global plastics professional society and the industry's premier source of peer-reviewed technical information. Founded in 1942, SPE helps companies succeed by disseminating knowledge, strengthening skills, and promoting plastics. SPE is a recognized medium of communication among scientists, engineers, and technical personnel in the plastics industry. Visit www.4spe.org.

The NPE2009 INTERNATIONAL PLASTICS EXPOSITION will take place June 22-26, 2009 at Chicago's McCormick Place. Produced by the Society of the Plastics Industry, NPE 2006 attracted 1,838 exhibitors on 942,524 sq.ft. (87,600 sq. m) of net space; 33% of them came directly from outside the U.S. Of 64,438 industry professionals who registered to attend, 23% were internationals from 114 countries. For details on NPE, visit www.npe.org.

Founded in 1937, THE SOCIETY OF THE PLASTICS INDUSTRY, INC., (SPI) is the trade association representing the third-largest manufacturing industry in the United States. SPI's members represent the entire plastics industry supply chain, including processors, machinery and equipment manufacturers and raw materials suppliers. The U.S. plastics industry employs 1.1 million workers and provides $379-billion in annual shipments. Visit SPI on the Web at www.plasticsindustry.org.


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