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Hassle-free Diaphragm Chuck Solution Helps in Fragile Part Machining 11/6/2007 10:04:00 AM

Hassle-free Diaphragm Chuck Solution Helps in Fragile Part Machining

Taichung, Taiwan, June 13, 2007 - JATO Precision, the professional designer and manufacturer of diaphragm chucks, self-contained chucks and air cylinders, successfully helped customers overcome fragile part machining difficulties by providing hassle-free, self-contained diaphragm chuck solution---JAP100 Series Cylinder-integrated Diaphragm Chuck.

A normal 3-jaw chuck can distort fragile parts, such as rings or thin-wall tubes, very easily. As a result, most of users will use special workholding solution or magnetic chucks to minimize damage on workpieces. However, this is not a cost-effective and efficient way to accomplish your machining tasks.

JATO JAP100 diaphragm chuck has a built-in air cylinder, no draw tube or air feeder is needed. This gives users a totally hassle-free solution which only requires users to front mount JAP100 diaphragm chuck to the spindle. The clamping force of JAP100 diaphragm chuck is proportional to input air pressure, giving you more control over adjusting it and keeping workpieces' intact. JAP100 diaphragm chuck's jaw pad is made of harden bearing steel, largely reducing the frequency of changing jaws. And since it's a full circle jaw, workpieces will be evenly clamped.

JATO JAP100 diaphragm chuck's repeatability is within 2um, with a through hole reserved in each JAP100 Series models. For more info about JAP100 Series Self-contained Diaphragm Chuck, please visit www.jato-precision.com.

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网址: http://www.jato-precision.com/CN.htm 电话:86-0512-36839041
地址: 中国·江苏·昆山经济开发区前进东路579号中航城国际大厦907室

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