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Automation Is Easy with JATO Self-contained Rotary Power Chuck 11/6/2007 10:02:00 AM

Automation Is Easy with JATO Self-contained Rotary Power Chuck

Taichung, Taiwan, July 26, 2007 - JATO Precision, the professional designer and manufacturer of collet chucks, diaphragm chucks and air cylinders, is proud to announce the release of JA7-40/JH7-40 Jaw Type Rotary Power Chuck.

JATO Rotary Power Chuck is an ideal solution for tool rooms and bench lathes that don't come with a hydraulic system. JATO Rotary Power Chuck has built-in cylinder, which allows users to front mount it onto the spindle without the need to install an extra cylinder or draw tube. With this hassle-free solution, users can convert a manual lathe into an auto/semi-auto power one within a few minutes, and start machining in a blink of time.

JATO strives for offering more flexible and cost-effective workholding solutions for small-to-medium size workshops which usually have lesser equipment and lower automation level. JATO Rotary Power Chuck saves users the cost of purchasing expensive hydraulic system, and it's easy for users to exchange manual and power chucks to fit in all kinds of machining tasks.

JATO Rotary Power Chuck now has both air and hydraulic models to choose from. JH7-40 is hydraulic power chuck for parts under 40mm, which can provide high clamping force for heavy duty machining tasks. JA7-40 is an air power chuck with increased piston area which is most suitable for medium duty machining tasks and aluminum part machining. JA7-40 can be driven with the air systems (5.5kg/cm2, 78psi or above) that exist in every factory. No need to add any new equipment. In addition to saving cost on hydraulic cylinders, using JATO Air Rotary Power Chuck also cuts expenses on purchase and maintenance cost on oil pumps, oil tanks and oil cooling systems.

For more info, please visit our website at www.jato-precision.com, or contact via email info@jato-precision.com.

About JATO Precision
In 1981, JATO Precision Industries Incorporation started out as a designer and manufacturer of hydraulic and pneumatic chucks. Now we've become the expert in um-level diaphragm chucks and self-contained collet chucks. With 26 years of experience, and strong partners throughout the world, JATO is able to bring hassle-free and high-accuracy chucking solutions to you.

JATO's unique designs have been patented in many countries, including Germany, United States, and Japan. JATO keeps striving for introducing better products into this market. Super precision, easy installation, and manageable cost are what we promise to offer.

Contact JATO at: info@jato-precision.com or visit our website www.jato-precision.com to learn more about JATO and our products.

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网址: http://www.jato-precision.com/CN.htm 电话:86-0512-36839041
地址: 中国·江苏·昆山经济开发区前进东路579号中航城国际大厦907室

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