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The new ByTrans - low cost automation
http://cn.newmaker.com 10/28/2007 9:58:00 AM  佳工机电网
The new ByTrans - low cost automation50 percent higher machine utilization with just 20 percent higher investment. With the new Bystronic automation solution ByTrans, considerably higher profits can be achieved with laser cutting.

The new ByTrans is the smart solution for loading and unloading Bystronic laser cutting systems, and the simplest way to earn even more money with the appropriate systems. ByTrans is fast, sophisticated and well-priced and hence the ideal laser-cutting automation solution; and it delivers what it promises. The automation solution will be presented for the first time at the Bystronic Competence days from 8 to 19 October at the company's headquarters in Niederönz, Switzerland, and subsequently at the FABTECH International & AWS Welding Show 2007 in Chicago (11 to 14 November).
Fast: Loading and the unloading using ByTrans takes just sixty seconds. Thus ByTrans is always faster than the shortest cutting plan. Or put another way: The laser cutting machine never has to wait while the cut sheet is being unloaded. As a result of the short cycle time, which is independent of the thickness of the metal sheet, the customer benefits in the form of maximum availability of the machine and through shorter part delivery times; he achieves more sales per square meter of installation surface.

Sophisticated: ByTrans offers complete accessibility and optimal operation in the smallest of areas, as well as an unlimited loading and unloading performance across the entire spectrum of sheet thickness. Furthermore, the large number of suction pads ensures that all standard sheet metal formats can be processed. ByTrans is also impressive in another way with maximum flexibility, since the system can easily be integrated into existing material flow processes. Raw materials, including the wooden pallet, can be loaded onto ByTrans using a forklift or overhead crane and film-coated metal sheets can easily be separated with the aid of a blowing separator function.

During the implementation of the new ByTrans, great importance was attached to simplest operation. The result is an encapsulated unit in which the raw material is no longer placed on a separate carriage but rather in a cassette that is an integral part of the unit. Thanks to this encapsulation, the number of light curtains and barriers is reduced and free access, also to the shuttle table, is guaranteed. Furthermore, operation of ByTrans is integrated in the ByVision high-performance control software and it can hence be conveniently and efficiently operated from a single operating terminal.

Well-priced: The new ByTrans provides the user with considerably higher utilization of the entire laser cutting system for little money. In real terms this means that with ByTrans the invest required for the acquisition of a system is increased by only 20 percent while on the other hand the utilization of the machine can be increased by a full 50 percent. Thus the whole system works even more economically, shortening the amortization period for the complete system considerably. One of the reasons for this is the higher machine autonomy that is extended up to three shifts. Lightly-manned production can be achieved simply and cost-effectively with ByTrans, and since one operator can supervise several machines labor costs are also reduced significantly.

Christoph Schüpbach, Head of Bystronic's Europe North/East Market Region sums up the advantages of the ByTrans by saying "Simply a design worth copying", since after all, the economic efficiency with laser cutting could not be more easily or efficiently improved than with this automation solution.

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