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HEXAGON 海克斯康测量技术(青岛)有限公司
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Hexagon Metrology Qingdao to sell PolyWorks® software suite with portable & stationary CMMs in China 10/19/2007 11:44:00 AM
三坐标测量机, 关节臂测量机, 逆向工程/测量机软件, ...
Quebec City, QC - October 18, 2007 - InnovMetric Software Inc. (Quebec City) and Hexagon Metrology Qingdao, Inc. (Qingdao, China) have recently signed an agreement for the distribution of the PolyWorks universal 3D metrology software platform from InnovMetric. Under this agreement, Hexagon Metrology Qingdao will distribute PolyWorks® software with its core brands (ROMER, Leica Geosystems, DEA and Brown & Sharpe) sold in Mainland China. PolyWorks will be sold with the ROMER laser probe equipped portable measuring arms, plus Leica Laser Trackers and Leica T-Scan 3D digitizing systems. Brown & Sharpe brand laser probe equipped Global bridge-type CMMs and DEA brand horizontal arm and gantry CMMs will also have a PolyWorks option available.

The hardware and software combination allows manufacturers to quickly digitize parts and use the resulting point cloud data to inspect, reverse-engineer and perform other computer-aided engineering tasks such as rapid prototyping and computational fluid dynamics. Manufacturers in automotive, aerospace, heavy equipment, and general engineering and manufacturing industries can benefit from this solution.

''This agreement represents a major business opportunity to partner with the strongest metrology solution provider in the manufacturing industries in China,'' said Marc Soucy, President of InnovMetric Software Inc. ''Hexagon Metrology Qingdao has a very strong presence in China with six regional centers located in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Xi'an, and Qingdao. This wide representation will help us to expand PolyWorks' use in Mainland China and ensure top-quality support and training to our users.''

''We are very pleased to sell the PolyWorks software suite with our Hexagon portable CMM and stationary systems,'' said Mr. Li Yizhen, Vice Manager of Leica & PCMM at Hexagon Metrology Qingdao. ''PolyWorks has strong market acceptance at many of our automotive and aeronautic OEM customers, most of which already own multiple Hexagon Metrology technologies such as portable and stationary CMMs. In addition, thanks to their PolyWorks Shanghai subsidiary office for mainland China, we can count on highly-skilled Chinese PolyWorks specialists to support us in our demonstrations, sales, and support efforts.''

About Hexagon Metrology Qingdao

Hexagon Metrology Qingdao, the largest CMM manufacturer in China, is an equal partner in the HEXAGON Metrology worldwide manufacturing network as a core member and one of 9 CMM manufacturers worldwide. For the Chinese market, Hexagon Metrology Qingdao, can supply the full series of CMM products from all of the above CMM professional high quality manufacturers, equipped with state-of-the-art controllers and comprehensive metrology software to ensure manufacturing quality and in process control for our customers. In the past year Hexagon Metrology Qingdao had sold up to 400 CMMs. Primary users of metrology equipment are the automotive industry, the aerospace and defense industries, the engineering industry, the die & mould industry, electronics, IT and the medical sector.

About InnovMetric Software

Founded in 1994 in Québec City, Canada, with subsidiaries in the United States and China and distributors worldwide, InnovMetric Software Inc. has devoted its first decade of business to developing software that transforms high-density 3D digitizers into true metrology instruments. These efforts have propelled PolyWorks® as the standard point cloud engineering software solution for major automotive and aeronautic OEM manufacturers and suppliers worldwide.

Building on its robust point cloud foundation, InnovMetric has transformed PolyWorks into a truly universal 3D metrology software platform by integrating a wide range of hardware measurement devices, including laser scanners, arm-based and hand-held probing devices, and laser trackers. PolyWorks has become a global corporate
solution that enables the corporate-wide deployment of standardized methods for comparing parts to CAD, analyzing GD&T, virtually gauging dimensions, meshing high-density point clouds, and rapidly surfacing digitized meshes.

For increased user productivity, PolyWorks maximizes information sharing through a free 3D viewer, allowing any individual to view inspection results, perform basic measurements, and generate reports. Those who use PolyWorks every day trust it for its robustness, its accuracy, and world-class technical support.

For more information contact us at:

InnovMetric Software Inc.
Sacha Villeneuve
Marketing Coordinator
Tel: 418 688-2061

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HEXAGON 海克斯康测量技术(青岛)有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.hexagonmetrology.com.cn/ 电话:86-532-80895503
地址: 中国·山东·青岛市株洲路188号 邮编266101

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