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Hisense Enters Australian White Goods Market
http://cn.newmaker.com 10/18/2007 9:03:00 AM  佳工机电网
空调, 风扇, 电热器, 空气净化器, 加湿器, ...
Hisense Australia has entered the whitegoods market in Australia with the release of 13 air conditioning models. The models are available in window wall, split system cool only, reverse cycle and inverter options and accompany Hisenses current range of LCD products. Hisense will also release several refrigeration products, for which details will be available from their newly launched Australian website www.hisense.com.au next week.

"Hisense Australia is proud to be entering into the Australian air conditioning market in force!" Andre Iannuzzi from Hisense Australia told connectedaustralia.com. "The 13 Hisense branded models display the seriousness Hisense and Hisense Australia have in entering the Australian air conditioning market. "Our entire range of air conditioning products will be supported by our five year in-home warranty through our dedicated 1800 HISENSE (1800 447 3673) customer service hotline," Iannuzzi said. The models have RRPs ranging from $399 to $1,699, and include the HAIR30C inverter split system AC. This model has a horse power rating of 3.0 and offers a cooling and heating capacity of 8.0 and 8.5 kilowatts respectively. The HAIR30C features include "Low Noise Design", "Smart Mode", "Soft Start" and Super function. The model also includes 24 hour timer function, sleep mode, auto restart function, as well as detachable front panel and filters for easy cleaning.

"Just over one year ago Hisense Australia provided a clear 12 month road map with planned category developments at its company launch in Melbourne," Iannuzzi said. "Today we deliver on this plan with in-store availability of our air-conditioning models in-time for the summer season. These 13 models are now available at The Good Guys nationally."

Hisense will also release another air conditioner featuring inverter technology and R410a gas, which will be available at Harvey Norman stores by the end of November.

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