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First Arc Moving Model Rub Tester in China 10/10/2007 1:32:00 PM

First Arc Moving Model Rub Tester in China

Recently, Labthink created the first arc moving model rub tester in China, RT-01. The tester will not only be exported to European and American companies, but also provide great convenience to the foreign invested companies and joint ventures which adopt European and American standards in China, and to their service providers.

As more and more producers and consumers demands printings of higher standard, in order to prevent any damage to the printings in the distribution and storage, rub tester is applied to test the abrasion resistance of printings, PS type photosensitive coating and relevant coating layers. Consequently, the test result could help producers reorganize production and ink ingredient to reach the quality standard and save costs.

Rub testers could be categorized by the friction track into two types: rectilinear motion model and arc moving ones. The former one means the drive mechanism drives the slide rod to rub linearly in order to cause friction between the rubbing paper and specimen. The friction track is linear. The latter one means the drive mechanism drives the slide block to rub curvedly and cause arc friction, the track is curved. Chinese standard (GB 7706) and Japanese standard (JIS K5701) adopts the rectilinear motion model, and European and American standards (ASTM D5264, TAPPI T830) adopt the arc moving model.

RT-01 Rub Tester of Labthink was designed according to ASTM D 5264 and TAPPI T830 standards, adopted the arc moving model, serving clients under European and American standards. The instrument introduces the double-station symmetric design, stably carries out two pieces of specimen at one time, highly efficient; It is available to carry out dry or web rubbing, wet bleed transfer, wet smear and functional tests. Furthermore, the instrument is human-friendly and better structured, easy to operation. RT-01 satisfies the clients under European and American standards. The product has been exported to many European countries such as Holland.

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网址: http://www.labthink.cn 电话:86-0531 -85068566
地址: 中国·山东·中国济南市无影山路144号 邮编250031

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