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Integrated automation platform for CNC, robotics and axis linking in one homogeneous system
http://cn.newmaker.com 9/24/2007 6:16:00 PM  佳工机电网
Integrated automation platform for CNC, robotics and axis linking in one homogeneous systemAnthropomorphic robots, complex CNC 3D processing, multiply linked axis movements, single-axis positioning that can be modified in real-time – each of these now represent a separate area of technology. B&R has introduced a complete platform that combines all components in one system. B&R‘s "Generic Motion Control" includes drives, movement and path control, visualization and I/O handling. In particular, path control with CNC functionality works as an integral part of the complete automation system, which can be configured with a single software tool.

A complete platform

What makes it so versatile? For one, the real-time operating system creates the environment needed for high-precision positioning tasks. CNC cycle times of 400 µs allow path precision in the sub-micron range.

Predefined visualization components can also be used to create complex machine functions. In addition to "classic" components such as parameter configuration and movement program operation, this also includes tools for simulation, logging and process diagnostics. This provides the foundation for all custom visualization solutions.

电机驱动器, 伺服电机, 伺服控制系统, 数控系统, ...

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·工业自动化展区 > 伺服与运动控制展厅 > 伺服与运动控制技术动态

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